The Industry Standard for Training:

Did you know that there is a certification developed by professionals in the power sweeping industry, based on the nationally recognized Power Sweeping Standard?

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The North American Power Sweeping Association, approved by the American National Standards Institute as a standard developer, offers a series of professional education topics for certification.

NAPSA offers a variety of effective training tools available at Among these, we provide Certified Sweeping Operator (CSO) programs tailored for parking lot, construction and municipality sweeping operations.

The CSO operator training programs establish a solid foundation for enhancing professionalism and safety among drivers. Upon completing the CSO program, the owner will conduct a verbal test and certify that the driver has accumulated at least 1,000 hours of incident-free sweeper driving. Following this, NAPSA will issue the driver a certificate, a hat pin, and a uniform patch to recognize their achievement.

Another area of training available at is our Certified Sweeping Manager (CSM) series. These courses focus on the Power Sweeping Standard, equipping managers with valuable insights that enhance their operational management while shielding the company in litigious situations. In addition to our course on the Power Sweeping Standard CSM 101, we have introduced another course, CSM 102 – Emergency Preparedness. This course teaches participants how to respond appropriately in emergency situations, helping to prevent those potentially litigious scenarios. Graduates will receive a certificate of completion for their insurance record keeping.

Lastly, we have a series called "Fleet Basics – Key Fundamentals." The FB – Key Fundamentals course covers essential topics for individuals who may not operate a power sweeper but need to understand the terminology and other information related to sweeping and vehicle operation, such as portering. This course is worth the $20 without a doubt.

The FB and CSO courses cover essential topics including health issues, safe driving, recordkeeping, customer trash can management, people skills, ethics, and more. The CSO courses focus on truck-specific information such as pre- and post-trip inspections, the parts of a sweeper, lot management, noise and dust control, blower operation, accident protocols, and safe driving—did we mention safe driving? Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on safe driving training!

The education found at SweeperSchool is specific, detailed and intended to improve the skills and management of operators and management. NAPSA members receive deep discounts with all training costing less than $100 per course but the training is available to anyone. For more information, contact the North American Power Sweeping Association at [email protected] or 888-757-0130.

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